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Upgrade steps from 5.2 to 5.3
Step 1. Stop all Sensors and Filters from the web interface. Logout from the Console
Step 2. Stop all WanSupervisor daemons ( "service WANupervisor stop" )
Step 3. Stop apache ( "service apache stop" or "service apache2 stop" or "service httpd stop" )
Step 4. For RedHat / CentOS / SuSE: download all *.rpm files from the URL found in the Trial request email, and then upgrade them with "rpm -Uvh *5.3*.rpm". For Debian / Ubuntu: download all *.deb files from the URL found in the Trial request email, install them again with "dpkg -i *5.3*.deb" and answer No when asked about overwriting the configuration files.
Step 5. Start apache ( "service apache start" or "service apache2 start" or "service httpd start" )
Step 6. Log in into the Console after clearing your browser's cache
Step 7. Start all WanSupervisor daemons ( "service WANsupervisor start" )
Step 8. Start all Sensors and Filters from the Console
IP graphs will work again after approximately 10 minutes.
Andrisoft Team
2013-12-24 19:42:28
2017-11-29 23:23:40