Changelog for minor software releases

Code Version   Text Date
Improvement-320 7.2-8 Add other influxdb configuration requirements in the User Guide 2019-11-05
Improvement-321 7.2-8 Fix the detection of filtering rules for countries and payloads 2019-11-05
Bugfix-319 7.2-8 Fix a summarization issue on AS and Country graphs when using Influxdb 2019-11-05
Feature-317 7.2-7 Fix build issue on Debian 10 2019-10-14
Feature-318 7.2-6 IP Blacklist data sources can also use HTTPS 2019-10-14
Improvement-316 7.2-6 In Configuration » General Settings » Anomaly Mitigation, the Filtering Rule "Source IP" renamed "IP Address" 2019-10-14
Bugfix-315 7.2-5 Fix showing graphs for some IP groups when using InfluxDB 2019-09-30
Feature-314 7.2-5 Enables the Use Per-IP Data option when using InfluxDB 2019-09-30
Bugfix-313 7.2-4 Fix sending manually BGP announcements with PHP 7.3 2019-09-20
Bugfix-312 7.2-3 Revert to Netmap v12 2019-09-17
Improvement-311 7.2-2 Minor improvement in graph rendering 2019-09-06
Bugfix-310 7.2-1 Fix the linkage of libnl on CentOS 7 2019-09-05
Feature-309 7.2-0 Add support for storing graph data in InfluxDB 2019-09-05
Request-307 7.2-0 Add support for Debian 10 2019-09-05
Request-308 7.2-0 Remove support for CentOS 6, Debian 6 and Ubuntu 12 2019-09-05
Improvement-306 7.2-0 Add many visual improvements to the "Flat" theme 2019-09-05
Feature-305 7.2-0 Add support for Netmap API 14 and DPDK 18.11.02 2019-09-05
Feature-304 7.2-0 The installation scripts use by default a text-based user interface which can be disabled with the "cli" parameter 2019-09-05
Improvement-303 7.2-0 In Reports the Time Frame selector was moved to the right, next to the Refresh selector 2019-09-05
Bugfix-302 7.1-15 Fix a PHP loader issue introduced in 7.1-14 2019-05-20