Reset the admin password
If you have forgotten the "admin" account's password you can use two methods to regain access:
- Reset the password of the "admin" account from another account with Administrator role.
- If you cannot do that, connect to MySQL using PHPMyAdmin or a similar tool, or from the CLI by executing:
mysql -p
The following SQL command selects the database:
USE andrisoft
To update the password execute:
UPDATE company_staff SET password="*7ACE763ED393514FE0C162B93996ECD195FFC4F5" WHERE username="admin";
The password for the "admin" account is now "changeme".
Andrisoft Team
Andrisoft Team
Date Created
2014-03-18 14:53:09
2014-03-18 14:53:09
Date Updated
2017-11-30 00:22:14
2017-11-30 00:22:14