Upgrade to 6.0: Step-by-step

This guide will now take you from version 5.x directly to version 6.1.
To upgrade from Wanguard or Wansight version 5.x to 6.0, follow the steps below in the order they are presented:

  1. Login into the Console, go to Configuration » Components and stop all Sensors and Filters
  2. Logout from the Console by selecting your user menu from the top-right part of the window
  3. Stop the WanSupervisor service on all servers:
    service WANsupervisor stop
  4. Stop Apache on the Console server:
    service httpd stop
    service apache stop
    service apache2 stop
  5. Open the email with the trial key, open the download link, select the installation instructions for version 6.x, and install the Andrisoft repository found on step 1.
  6. On all RedHat/CentOS servers upgrade the packages:
    yum upgrade
    On all Debian/Ubuntu servers, update the repository cache and from the list of packages below, install the ones you are interested in for the current server again, and answer No when asked about overwriting configuration files:
    apt-get update
    apt-get install wanconsole wansupervisor wansensor wanfilter wanbgp
  7. Start Apache on the Console server:
    service httpd start
    service apache start
    service apache2 start
  8. Clear your browser's cache and login back into the Console. Do not leave this step for later. If the login window does not appear immediately, wait until it does.
  9. Start the WanSupervisor service on all servers:
    service WANsupervisor start
  10. If you previously installed PF_RING 5.x on Sensor or Filter servers, upgrade to at least PF_RING 6.0.3 from SVN. If the PF_RING-aware ixgbe driver compiles with errors, a known issue with CentOS 6, compile the ZC ixgbe driver instead
    svn co https://svn.ntop.org/svn/ntop/trunk/PF_RING/
    cd PF_RING/kernel
    sudo rmmod pf_ring
    sudo insmod ./pf_ring.ko
  11. Start all Sensors and Filters from Configuration » Components
  12. Make sure you have Wireshark version 1.8.3 or higher installed on your Console
  13. Review the change-log for 6.0. The Conditional/Dynamic Parameters listed below have changed. Update them if you defined them in Responses.
    Wanguard 5.4 Wanguard 6.0
    Sensor Type {sensor_type} sniff, flow, virtual Sensor Type {sensor_type} Packet Sensor, Flow Sensor, SNMP Sensor, Sensor Cluster
    Domain {domain} ip, subnet Domain {domain} IP, subnet
    Anomaly Class {class} thresholds, profile Anomaly Class {class} threshold, profile
    Comparison {operation} above, under Comparison {operation} over, under
    Filter # {filter_id} - Filtering Rule # {filtering_rule_id} -
    Filter Type {filter_type} ip, source, dest, proto, len, ttl Filtering Rule Type {filtering_rule_type} ip, source, dest, proto, len, ttl
    Filter Value {filter_value} - Filtering Rule Value {filtering_rule_value} -
    {filter_ip_dns} - {filtering_rule_ip_dns} -
    Filter ISP {filter_ip_isp} - Filtering Rule ISP {filtering_rule_ip_isp} -
    Filter Country {filter_ip_country} - Filtering Rule Country {filtering_rule_ip_country} -
    Filter Pkts/s {filter_pps} - Filtering Rule Pkts/s {filtering_rule_pps} -
    Filter Bits/s {filter_bps} - Filtering Rule Bits/s {filtering_rule_bps} -
    Filter Peak Pkts/s {filter_max_pps} - Filtering Rule Peak Pkts/s {filtering_rule_max_pps} -
    Filter Peak Bits/s {filter_max_bps} - Filtering Rule Peak Bits/s {filtering_rule_max_bps} -
    Filter Severity {filter_severity} - Filtering Rule Severity {filtering_rule_severity} -
    Filter Packets {filter_packets} - Filtering Rule Packets {filtering_rule_packets} -
    Filter Bits {filter_bits} - Filtering Rule Bits {filtering_rule_bits} -
    Filter Time Interval (seconds) {filter_difftime} - Filtering Rule Time Interval (seconds) {filtering_rule_difftime} -
    Filter Whitelist {filter_whitelisted} - Filtering Rule Whitelist {filtering_rule_whitelisted} -
    Filter Trafc Sample Size ( bytes ) * {filter_log_size} - Filtering Rule Traffic Sample Size (bytes) {filtering_rule_log_size} -
    - {filter_log_*} - - {filter_rule_log_*} -

  14. Your feedback is highly appreciated!

Contact support andrisoft.com if you encounter errors.

Andrisoft Team
Date Created
2015-02-26 10:17:57
Date Updated
2017-11-29 04:08:38